DURATRACKS integrates with your machine like no other system for better handling, traction, and maneuverability!
Designed specifically for the Polaris RANGER UTV
DURATRACKS lets you master any terrain from roads to swamp, mud to snow, sand to rocks.
Front Pod
DURATRACKS front tracks are matched to the wheel geometry to minimize binding when turning.
The front tracks are mounted close-in to match the wheel kingpin axis to the track turning center.
Steering geometry is not compromised/
Ackermann steering geometry is maintained.
Steering capability is not compromised with DURATRACKs.
Bottom line is that DURATRACKS turns sharper than any track system!
Rear Pod
DURATRACKS are designed for easy turning on roads while providing excellent floatation on soft ground, sand, and snow.
The tracks are carried on rubber-tired wheels and the load pressure (psi) reduces and spreads as the vehicle enters soft terrain and snow and more track surface carries the load.
The rear pods are the primary load carrying pods. The three center wheels carry the load on hard surfaces for turning ease.
The rear pod is designed to follow and as the vehicle enters soft terrain and snow, again the load pressure (psi) reduces and more track surface carries the load.
DURATRACKS Integrates With the Following Machines:
DURATRACKS are true year-round tracks for all terrain: grass, mud, swamp, rocks, sand, gravel, logs, stumps, ice, and snow.
There are no internal rods to break – the tracks are carried by 40 wheels and flex and bend to match the ground surface.
DURATRACKS are the only UTV tracks with a chevron tread, and the modified chevron tread gives smooth quiet running and provides cleaning in mud and grabbing in snow.
The anti-rotation is inside the track pods. There is no dragging in mud or snow causing increased resistance or plowing.
The anti-rotation linkage is not vulnerable to damage from rocks, logs or stumps.
The linkage cushions are urethane providing durability with extreme compliance.
All the metal components in the pod are powder coated to withstand any environment.
Unlike other track systems, DURATRACKS is created, built and tested by the very same people who helped create the UTV at Polaris.